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Category: Indie Game

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Grim Platformer Monochroma Has Been Released On Steam

By HadBabits,
Monochroma, a grim indie platformer (where have we heard that before?), has been released on Steam. The developer, Nowhere Studios, managed to fund the game last year on Kickstarter and Greenlit on Steam. It appears to be set in a dark industrial world with an orwellian vibe. Carried by plot sans dialogue and some great 2.5D visuals, this game definitely looks to have potential.

Bionic Dues Now DRM Free On Humble Store

By Liam Dawe,
Bionic Dues is the pretty fun 2D mech combat game from Arcen Games that was previously Steam-only for us Linux gamers. Luckily now you can get it on Humble Store too!

Survive As A Tiny Creature In Copod's Pay What You Want Deal

By Liam Dawe,
We don't usually do shout outs for game sales any more due to having our big Sales Page, but this seems worthy. Copod a fantastic little roguelite where you are a tiny creature trying to survive in a strange world.

New Release: Kill The Bad Guy Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Track the Bad Guys, be brutal and smart in your planning, and eliminate them one by one. But bear this in mind: each criminal’s death has to look like an accident. In each level, you’ll have the chance to splatter and destroy the Bad Guy using various weapons and traps.

Valve Has Yet Again Greenlit 35 More Linux Games For Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Valve has done the usual and given that greenlight for a ton of indie games to come onto Steam, we highlight the ones with Linux support.

Get In Quick Before Factorio Raises Their Prices

By Liam Dawe,
Factorio is the great simulation game that mixes a few different genre's for excellent results and you only have a few days left before the price goes up.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 10 Unleashed With New Linux Games

By Liam Dawe,
Those Humble folks are at it again! Humble Bundle PC & Android 10 is now available with a bunch of fun games to sink our teeth into.

The Last Federation Space Strategy Game Has Announced An Expansion & Given Sales Info

By Liam Dawe,
The Last Federation is the rather good mix of space combat and strategy simulation on Steam from the guys the made AI War & Bionic Dues. The developers have announced an expansion and even noted some details about their sales.

Prisonscape Adventure/RPG Game Available For Pre-order On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Prisonscape is one of the more interesting titles I've seen lately. You control a single inmate in prison and have to fight for survival creating weapons. gain henchmen and more.

Blue Saga, A Free Indie 2D MMORPG On Desura

By Liam Dawe,
Decent MMORPG games are something Linux still lacks, we have nothing close to World of Warcraft which is still extremely popular. So, can Blue Saga fill that gap? Probably not, but it's still charming.

Death Epileptic Pixel, A Free, Difficult & Vibrant 3D Platformer

By Liam Dawe,
Death Epileptic Pixel is one game that looks like it will give a fit even to people who aren't sensitive to flashing lights.

Verdun, The WWI First Person Shooter Has A UI Overhaul & A New Map

By Liam Dawe,
The WWI first person shooter Verdun has been through a fair few changes over its life-cycle, none more appreciated than the new much better UI.

Mojang's Card Battle Game Scrolls Has New Hope For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
A bit of a sore spot for me personally, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Scrolls is the rather good card battle game created by Mojang (creators of Minecraft).

TowerFall Ascension's Linux Port Is Almost Ready

By Liam Dawe,
A bit of good news today is that TowerFall Ascension the highly rated indie game is very near to having a Linux version.

Shipwreck 2D Adventure Game Is Now Super Cheap For Linux & On Desura

By Liam Dawe,
Shipwreck is a top down adventure game in which you must travel the land, explore dungeons, and defeat monsters to earn safe passage off the island on which you are stranded. It's a nice little game and has had a price-drop as well as a Desura release.

Pixel Dungeon Procedural Death Labyrinth Turning Open Source

By Liam Dawe,
Pixel Dungeon is a traditional procedural death labyrinth game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface. Originally designed for Android the game is going to be open sourced soon, which means a port for Linux opens up!

The Galactic War Begins In Planetary Annihilation With A Single-player Mode

By Liam Dawe,
Planetary Annihilation was already awesome for the sheer scale of the game and the fact that it's on Linux means we finally have a big RTS game. The developers have just released a brand new build containing a single-player mode called "Galactic War".

Inescapable, A Side-scrolling Game Of Action & Adventure Now On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Inescapable was originally available DRM free using the developers Humble Store widget, but it has now joined the ranks of many Linux games on Steam.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month

By Liam Dawe,
The IndieBox is a fantastic idea and I hope they get enough orders to keep going. You subscribe monthly (or buy single past boxes) to get a Linux-supported game-pack every month.

White Noise Online, A Co-op Online Horror Game Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
On White Noise Online, a team of up to 4 investigators has to explore an area looking for clues, while avoiding being devoured by a supernatural creature. Will you be able to uncover the truth behind the mysterious events?
Showing 6880 to 6900 of 7753 entries found.